This is everything you need to get started. This modded Wii comes complete with all hookups, and additional accessories to start playing your favorite retro games. Fully renewed and tested for performance this extraordinary modded Wii will allow you to play all types of games like
- GameCube Games
- Nintendo 64 Games
- Retro Arcade Games
- Retro Nintendo Games
And so much more.
What Does the Modded Wii in White come with:
- Fully tested Nintendo Wii Console in White
- All TV Connections & Hookups
- AC Power Adapter
- Wiimote Wireless Remote
- Wii Nunchuck
- GameCube Style Controller (to play GameCube games on the Wii)
- 128GB High Speed Memory Card for Wii
That’s it.
No frills or filler and just retro Wii games action ready to plug and play for years to come.
*Modded Wii Console in white comes tested and cleaned condition. 128GB card comes included with neceassry titles as shown.
Question: Does this one have Zelda Twilight Princess but Gamecube version?
By jesecoceEK on March 23rd, 2025
Answer: Everything is at your disposal.
Question: Does this unit come with newer super Mario bros and or the homebrew channel ?
By Rscales87 on March 22nd, 2025
Answer: Of course it does. Homebrew all the way!
Question: Does this one have Super Mario 64?
By Ajayejones17 on March 16th, 2025
Answer: Yes, this is available.
Question: Does this have the HDMI port mod?
By Picketts368 on January 29th, 2025
Answer: We sell a HDMI adapter for the consoles.
Question: Does it have n64 and atari games too
By jennmrs.pittiemommie74 on December 14th, 2024
Answer: N64 games are available.
Question: Does this come with a cheat menu if not can 1 b added
By marski365 on December 9th, 2024
Answer: Not sure. Just have thousands of great games you remember.
Question: What n64 games come on it?
By Jamesmjones1991 on November 28th, 2024
Answer: Tons
Question: How long do orders take to get shipped ?
By Arnold on July 18th, 2024
Answer: Depends on the product ordered. Upgraded consoles can take a some days to ship depending on the upgrade. Once shipped, you would be offered tracking.
Question: Does it include pokemon rumble?
By Jondstiner on June 28th, 2024
Answer: It includes the ability for all eshop titles.
Question: Does it include Mad World, and Soul Calibur for the Nintendo Wii? is it able to connect to an HDMI TV?
By diaz.vince on May 13th, 2024
Answer: It has many titles available. It can connect via HDMI if you select the adapter.
Question: Does this include Dr Mario?
By Stephrami123 on March 31st, 2024
Answer: Of course , the doctor is in.
Question: Is there a way to assure a specific game is on there? My niece really wants rhythm heaven. Solely buying for this specific game.
By markolukatero00 on December 14th, 2023
Answer: Sure
Question: Good morning, Just a question on the modded Wii. I see in the description that it comes pre-loaded with the software titles as shown but I couldn't find a game list. Would you be able to let me know if games come pre-loaded on it and what console they are for? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
By mattmccaig on December 11th, 2023
Answer: No list. You can see in both the pictures and description to get an idea of what it comes with.